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For languages of the same family, common vocabulary is preferred. E. g., "brotherhood" in Tláymyts may be hêlnèmtèty or hêlnèmetsnw, but the first is chosen for the sample as there is a cognate word for it in all the languages of the same family (helnemtet, h@nt@t, hanatet, hanshesh, hulnamtati &c.).

For some languages, the most "natural" word in some cases might be different. E. g., the most natural Bovonian word for "are born" is adilliyanga, and not maddhiyanga as used here. Although, in all cases, the word used is acceptable and valid, and was chosen to better compare similarities and differences between languages.


"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."


South Efhang[]

"DuttiUð uwnanuð meðð@ng reyfliuð, kas teykmeytetek hiy das teyliheydeg. Eruð ef@ng lesewew hiy gemzemzeyhew, hiy tif@ng esho honn uhodluk hen ispeyleyduk helnemtetik."


"Dutti uwnenuz mezze riyhli, tiykmiytetum go tiylihiydunz. Yeruz ehe lesewew go gemziyhemziyhew, go tihe eshol hann uhadluk ispiyliydum helnemtetik."


"Utt nanés meviyá rep, se t@km@t@tú gi t@lihd@gés. Eyéns dimiyná l@sewé gi g@sas@hé, gi tipiyná @sél han uh@lú kwi isp@ldú h@nt@tí."


"Uttew nané meviyá replés, se tekmetetú gi telihedegé. Eynfés dimiyná leséw gi gasehaséh, gi tipiyná esél han uhollú kwi ispeledú ya hanatetú."


"E utt nangés keyá meviyá repel, se tekmetet goy teliheggés. E yés keyá dimiyná lesewé gi gasasé, goy tipiyná esél han in uhol kwi ispeled pe hanatet."


"Dut unanv@ mezhan rep@l, she sheknyeshet zhi sheyshedv@. Yuzh@ zhinya yeshew zhi gans@sheh, zhi shisha ensheyo han uholu pul issheyed hansheshish."

Classical Bovonian[]

"Duttud ûnanud maddhiyanga râphlyudd, tâkmâtatum hî tâlihâdunaH. DzhîragaH lasawa hî gamsâmsâha, ghay tiphinga ashâlu hannu uhadluk ishpâlâdubba hulnamtatik."


"Dototh unenoth meDDeken raploth, takmatetom je talehadens. Joth epeken lesewew je gemthahemthew, je tepeken eshal hen ohedlok ethbaladom holnemteteç."

New Takarash[]

"Dotod unenod meDDenoney raplod, e takmatetok ye e talehadeg. Yirod epene lesewew ye gemthathew, ye tepene eshal hen oheldok yus epthaladege honeltemtesh."


Dotto uneno myedyan ryiplyo, tyikmyityitom hyi tyilyidyen. Hes dyimyan lyesyew hyi guzyuzyih, hyi tyipyan eshal han ohallok izbyilyidom hunutyetyik.



Aç-çinlumçû.k as-mamdu.k imdashubu-t nafmgimrû.k, gurkûçdûn-al ma husismâç.ik-al. Lahm igawarshaf-it dîwar-al ma wûsdâð-al, ma bûnudarn-it as-´uhgayma.k-at 'îfsûçkan.


Kin medo semeshdopo-lel nefgemru, gorkutdun-osh nay hosvest.ekh. Lahtum segeverdeshf-el divr-osh nay vusdat-osh, nay bunodorn-el ifsutken-osh shatno-yis.


Sinlumtu.k-a mad mashunupa-it napgimru, shew gurkustun yun shew husisns.ikh. Lak gawarunshpa-it les diwar yun les wustas, yun bunuduran-it me kuhgay.k-a ser kifsushkan in shashkin.


Tinlusû.ka madu imasdupu-lil napgimrû, gurkûtdûn-us u husisnât.ka. Lâhtûm igârdasap-lil dîar-us u ûsdât-us, u bûnuduran-lil uhgâ.ka-an îpsûtkan-us sâtinu-i.


Ravumi (Sukika)[]

"Tuhos tuggospuillin ispobbilleaddo iherwih, ´ueshpiiggum tuer iggeharnuiggum. Yuddo kuggoykiaufto inenamu tuer tumbaggu. Yuddo iggebbandaaddo luwon ihenan tuggorpuyu iddeddaddu imwoddihush."


"Trê fêgvót itrutravyê éknapup nashuy êw asötras, töhütréhzhav êw shôhdaslahzhav. Afiz kéud fétrav wahtrizav êw muywémav, afiz üfarashiz tushvég yénsé abshunfav zhavdêyêw."
